No Ordinary Star by M.C. Frank



No Ordinary Star by M.C. Frank

Publication Date: November 25th 2015

Blurb from Goodreads:  A soldier is summoned to the North Pole, days before the year changes, told to fix the great Clock for a celebration. He has no idea what to do.
A girl, hunted for the crime of being born, almost dies out on the ice. She is rescued by the last polar bear left alive.
A library waits for them both, a library built over a span of a hundred years, forgotten in the basement of an ice shack.
The world hasn’t known hunger or sickness in hundreds of years. It has also forgotten love and beauty.
The year is 2525.

Inspired by the short stories of Ray Bradbury, this futuristic novel is set in a world where Christmas -among other things- is obsolete and a Clock is what keeps the fragile balance of peace.

Written in three installments, this is the breathtaking and sensual story of how two unlikely people change the world, and each other, one book at a time.

Immerse yourself into the icy cold world of this scorching hot new novel.

Goodreads || AmazonIN || AmazonUS




Cover Page: The girl on the cover page is one of the main character of the book. The cover page totally justifies with the book.




Plot:  The plot revolves around a match girl and a tin soldier. Though both are as different as fire and ice, they still came together by a higher diyty to work together. The concept was awesome and how author wrote the suspenceful scenes were great.





  • The day is crisp and clear, almost like every other morning he’s taken the same walk in the snow, hiking to the forest and back.
  • So you say there is no Father Christmas,                                                                          You say there is no Santa Claus                                                                                         Reindeer cannot fly, it’s all a grown-up lie…
  • Pain and betrayal and then nothingness. That’s the death and she’s almost welcoming it.



Overall: So this is not a regular sci-fi book. I am not even a fan of a sci-fi books but I loved it so much. I’m trying it to be a spoiler free review so I’m not going to rant about the plot. This book surely has a fast pace and it is not of a usual length. Though, even so, this book was incredibly written.

Author was adamant at telling every little detail she could. Even when we can only see two characters in action at an isolated place, we still get a detail information about the world and how it has changed and who did it. And from changes I remember, she wrote some splendid changes I’ve never read,  like hydro suit to suit according to body temperature or so, food capsules etc.

This book was a sci-fi genre mixed with fantasy for me. 🙂


**Received the e-copy through author in exchange of an honest review. Thank you!:)**

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